Friday, June 27, 2008

The interactions

Up until a certain age says swimmer girls want the guy to be distant an uninterested for certain unmentioned amount of time. My question is does uninterested or distant also include making one feel small. Is there some strange gene in girls making them want to feel small. And how long does a guy have to make u feel small before its too much. And wat could at least be a working aquentance into an anouyence
Sry bout the spelling there's my thought tonight

a hard days work in the media department where the fly sits in the rain and waits to capture another beautiful moment on asiland. you see she has been asked not to capture while the gray cover and clear falls.

left over photos from road trip time to start in with the life of asiland!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

day 5

unfortunatly i have not had the chance to upload photos from th past day so this is now out of order but today i sit in my friend lemors apartment on a computer after a proper nights sleep ...kind of and definitly a proper shower. things have been exciting i dubbed Chicago the bad vibe city, although i would not mind giving it another try under different circumstances . Idaho on the other hand well they are just mean from the fob janitor in the rest stop asking if we understood English to the toll booth lady informing us that"she was not done with us yet" after all that excitement we found ourself on a long stretch of f the I-80 once again. the adrenaline was pumping and we decided to drive the next 7 hours at about 5pm. the last stretch became a challenge of sorts but we kept in mind nyc was our destination and once again the love for nyc helped concur all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Flood in Cedar IA

Ice cream and traffic

Iowa City, IA

Pub n grub Muskinete IA

Day 3

As I sit in the car morning 3 into our road trip after a day of a certain. Lack of comunication still in the work with this handy , does to much fone. With that while trying to contact an old friend for place to stay in iowa. Unfortunatly I'm not quite cellphone internet savay and ended up making this friend my status on good old facebook spinning me in a great deal of embarrasment meanwhile with the understanding we have driven about 2000 miles under our belt and bags under our eyes
We find ourselves in muskatine,IA in addition to flooding making us find out way back to Iowa City. Chicago will be tonight.... In time of course

Gering NE

Jesus christ is lord


Multimedia message

Robert henri museum


WY 9.13 FM
Bible study

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Multimedia message

And we off

Although we woke to to the grumbles of the sun regardless once the sleep was wiped of our eyes the statement was said "I feel it, today is going to b a good day" stay tuned?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 1

The photos have been sent throught out the day there were our moments of silence which later were talked about
As strange as it sound I learned how to pump gas today
For the moment this is all I have to say ud think I would have more concider we have made it all the way to utah from LA

Smelly cows. NAG CHAMPA


Fw: Arizona


Lunch in vegas

And we're off!!

Last night with the fam

Friday, June 6, 2008

On the way to playa del ray

Surprisingly or not I have spent quite a bit of time with my friend sara I have met her in boston regardless of the fact that we went to high school together she has become a bit of a breath of fresh air partially because when I'm with her she brings me to people I have never met before or strangers the idea of stranger makes me oddly more comfortable then those who i recognize still trying to figure this one out could it be the ease of not having to keep up with others embosed ideas of me could it be the chance to constantly reinvent myself in my lull of indecision

Multimedia message

Fw: Test

------ Email ------
So here I am sitting at my desk in full reach of an actual computer thinking I'm going to get thumb cramps blogging this way all summer so long as reception allows it but anyone who will read this pitiful blog I hope u enjoy the length I'm going for a "new" project its about 5 days before I head on for the adventure of summer 08 that's funnier to more than others getting everything set from photos of the digital variety to the old fashioned instant variety (poloroid) now I shall celebrate is this actually works here goes nothing ::pressing send::
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Blog me?