Saturday, August 30, 2008

8:53 pm

the time rings in my head. the time of the place decided was home two years ago now.
i feel as though this were my first time entering Boston. only to know i recognize it like the back my hand. it holds the building which put together my newest goal, path, dream. why am i so scared though. why is this year so much more daunting then the others. im walking alone again, as i stride through life dropping everyone i once knew. i hope over and over again im making the right decisions. some of the most selfish decisions ive ever made. in order to make sure the future is as desirable as i for see it to be.
everything looks like fragile thin ice i prance upon like a lion on the hunt. i pray that i can set everything in place before venturing on to the next stage which is approaching faster and faster into reality.
i see a bright light in front of me but i also know according to my maps and research there are multiple forks in the road only theres a warning on the crease of the map telling me those who travel here will only know the forks once you get to them. no warnings will be marked.
i will take on trip with grace and sharp eyes

Friday, August 29, 2008

A sunken heart

Walking back from one of the most familiar places to my heart ifelt a saddness I don't think I've felt yet leaving LA again hmm maybe I will be back for good one day
For now my heart is still east bound

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fluffiest cloud ever

A goodbye to the rd

The poloroids have stopped the phone photos seemed to have died down and the curiosity of what it may be like to be home again is overwhelming
Please excuse the lack of documentation
We are currently in texas its desertish
Making our way to arizona to me tonya's rents
There maybe some tennis involved
And then a final leg tomorrow into LA
I miss whats behind me
I miss talking to you like crazy but excited to figure out the time difference from the west I think I've got the east down!!
I hid out for awhile this summer but I'm ready to be back now
Things are going to change this yearget ready!!

A goodbye to the rd

The poloroids have stopped the phone photos seemed to have died down and the curiosity of what it may be like to be home again is overwhelming
Please excuse the lack of documentation
We are currently in texas its desertish
Making our way to arizona to me tonya's rents
There maybe some tennis involved
And then a final leg tomorrow into LA
I miss whats behind me
I miss talking to you like crazy but excited to figure out the time difference from the west I think I've got the east down!!
I hid out for awhile this summer but I'm ready to be back now
Things are going to change this yearget ready!!

Drivers travel mart TEXAS

Drivers travel mart TEXAS

A goodbye to the rd

The poloroids have stopped the phone photos seemed to have died down and the curiosity of what it may be like to be home again is overwhelming
Please excuse the lack of documentation
We are currently in texas its desertish
Making our way to arizona to me tonya's rents
There maybe some tennis involved
And then a final leg tomorrow into LA
I miss whats behind me
I miss talking to you like crazy but excited to figure out the time difference from the west I think I've got the east down!!
I hid out for awhile this summer but I'm ready to be back now
Things are going to change this yearget ready!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thoeries on the road

We listen to the radio come across a theme "ayer" and "lollipops"
Lisa believes this is the government is telling us the world is comming to an end
And we are going up and all our food will b in lollipop form
Antonia gives lisa a strange look and lisa says no really the better connected folk such as yourself will be brought up to space while the rest of us perish
Lisa goes on to tell antonia of how she expects a phone call "hey" "so um...I'm buying a space suit" lisa says "oh really is that the newest fashion in LA". antonia "no your gonna die I'm going up"


Need a marriage counselor? I'm available......- god

A billboard sign on the way into texas

Old MS river bridge

Jackson MS

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 3

We have made our way to west virginia now on our way to alabama
In clarksburg WV we founf ourself in a small craft store and asked where to find a good brunch before we head back on the rd
Two lovely ladies sent us in the direction of some hogies
On our way out we spotted a map to look at and grab a glance at our travels during which another local warnewd us of our route and had little to know faith in our goals of the south not something hadn't heard before
We sit and order our hogies and chat with the waitress only to find one of cliches along the way
A 19year old born and raised with a baby looking to get out
The novelty was charming but other then that I was left with wondering eyes as we made our way back. Through town back to our california licenced car
At 80MPH we watch the country go by once again I wonder am I soaking it all in?

Day 3

We have made our way to west virginia now on our way to alabama
In clarksburg WV we founf ourself in a small craft store and asked where to find a good brunch before we head back on the rd
Two lovely ladies sent us in the direction of some hogies
On our way out we spotted a map to look at and grab a glance at our travels during which another local warnewd us of our route and had little to know faith in our goals of the south not something hadn't heard before
We sit and order our hogies and chat with the waitress only to find one of cliches along the way
A 19year old born and raised with a baby looking to get out
The novelty was charming but other then that I was left with wondering eyes as we made our way back. Through town back to our california licenced car
At 80MPH we watch the country go by once again I wonder am I soaking it all in?

U don't want any tamatos

Clarksburg WV

Friday, August 15, 2008

Pittsburg pa

Port jervis

Terri cloth robes!!

First night on the rd slept in a big soft spa style bed although I have not found any water with cucumbers

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Galesferry ct

Just an hour away

I sit in the same curled up position as I did only two months ago
What else is the same?
Not much I'm afraid
The sense of adventure has been ripped from our mind for now at least the bag under our eyes our heavier then the luggage weighing down our car
I spent some time complaining this summer but as expected I know now I didn't mean most of it
How can I honestly dislike a place that at the end of the day always puts a smile on my face
I don't know that I will be back but I do know there will always be fond memories of asiland
This place has brought to light some of my greatest loves in life and I am forever grateful and hope that I can incorporate this land in my life for years one way or another

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

more tears thought come later

depicting the end

theres no order to these images. the second to last day is emotional and the tears can jumble the thoughts and memories.

more to come im sure more thoughts to be relayed.
may the analysis of this summer commence

Monday, August 11, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008