Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Social angsiety (spelling)

I have it is the point
No matter the history I stick to the same people
I feel comfort in the know no matter the good or bad
I hold attachment to those I know becuase I know what to expect
New goal well not really new but now that I feel I have a better understanding or the root of me problem I shall reinstate the goal to meet more people and let go a little
Honestly I feel I have already begun this process unconsciencetly
Through my attachment to fort yes a band made up of people I have known since moving to boston but through them I have built a bridge to cross over to others I do not know
I don't mean to say I'm going to transform into this grand outgoing person but maybe put down these walls a little more and not go so crazy (feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack) when I speak to someone new
In my deffence this thought came about with a very different sort of phone call the kind that could make anyone a little crazy a phone call from one whom you spoke your what seems like life story to in about a nonstop 3 hour period and after felt extremly light on your feet the kind of person u felt strangly liberated around the problem? The lack of sobriety invovled
I know I've been here before
But can my miss spelled anxiety handle it again right now

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